So far, I’ve explained what to listen to and how people think. Now I want to combine both of these elements to show that this combination can help anticipate and understand how people get to decisions.
So far, I’ve explained what to listen to and how people think. Now I want to combine both of these elements to show that this combination can help anticipate and understand how people get to decisions.
A successful innovation improves things I have to get done in my daily life. In order to assess whether an innovation might be successful, the key is understanding how and if the innovation really changes our experience of doing something that we already do in our daily lives. Last week, I applied these criteria to Social Dynamite, a new blog content promotion service. I’ve…
Last week, I addressed the question of defining what successful innovation is. I came up with a list of criteria to assess whether an innovation is successful or not. Today, I want to apply these to criteria to Social Dynamite, a new service I’ve been using to promote my blog content. So here’s the question: is Social Dynamite a successful innovation?
Defining a successful innovation is a tough. Most attempts at defining what a successful innovation is emanate from innovation experts whether they are: innovation consultants for innovation decision-makers working in large companies financial analysts consumer groups that review and rate innovation product My attempt at defining a successful innovation is different.
Selling innovation consulting means being able to understand how clients think. And considering that people think in different ways, understanding how clients think means understanding how different thought patterns operate. Last week, I talked idea association, deduction and induction thinking. This week, I’ll touch upon intuitive thinking, action and feeling thinking.
Compensating CEOs based on their ability to lead corporate innovation poses a broader of how we measure financial performance.
Louis Gallois, the innovation Commissioner to the French Prime Minister, recently showed that the margins of industrial companies in France have decreased from 30% 21% in the last 10 years.
Several days ago, I sat down with Stéphane Coumau, a longtime friend and a former managing director of a Fortune 500 consumer’s goods companies. Among the many subjects we touched upon was the challenge of managing innovation. Innovation is hard to realize because…
The innovation listener needs to listen to the facts and needs to be sensitive to feelings. But, understanding how client make a decisions also means being sensitive to how his client thinks. That’s critical to know how to sell innovation consulting.
Several days ago, I asked an innovation group on LinkedIn to identify what are the most pressing innovation challenges, facing Chief Innovation Officers. Here are some of the answers followed by my comments.