« What’s customer-centric innovation?, » a conversation with Alain Hui Bon Hoa
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How to perform customer-centric innovation? This is a question I recently addressed in a conversation I had with Alain Hui Bon Hoa.
How to perform customer-centric innovation? This is a question I recently addressed in a conversation I had with Alain Hui Bon Hoa.
Why are pivoting and failing fast a failed innovation strategy ? This is a question I touched upon during my last discussion with Tony Ulwick.
Pushing technologies onto the market is often derided by innovators. They are countless technologies that have never found a market and that turned out to be failed innovations. But, the fact is that there’s : The wrong way of pushing technologies on the market The right way of pushing technologies on the market This is the subject I want to address in this post.
This is a topic I addressed when I sat down with Alain several days ago. Why isn’t listening to the Voice of the Customer the best to innovate?
I recently had a conversation with Philippe Colliat and we talked about innovation in the media. Many things are going on.
What’s autism? And can modern robots somehow help stimulate children with autism? These are some of the questions that I addressed in a recent conversation with Adrien Dequaire, a business developer specialized in Robotics.
How to reduce marketing expenditures while at the same time acquiring new customers? This is a question I touched upon during my trip to the Silicon Valley with Jack Voileau when we met with Omer Artun.
Banks have long been able to thrive in a relatively closed market which was defined by regulation. But, recent technological innovations combined with deregulation all across Europe are profoundly changing the market. Today, there are three different types of new entrants which have the potential to disrupt the business model of retail banks according to Jean-Yves Bruna, a Chief Strategy and Development Officer in…
Believing in innovation may sound self-evident. Many leaders say that innovation is critical to securing future growth. But, in fact, management many choose among many options in order to secure corporate growth. Innovation is one of them, but there are more.