Categories Digital Transformation

Innovations in the Hospitality industry

Javier Cedillo Espin - Innovations in the hospitality industry

How has the hospitality industry involved in the last few years? In what way has digital innovation improved the customer experience while redefining the nature of competitive advantage? And does any of this change the way we work and live? If so, how? I talk about this, and more, with Javier Cedillo Espin, who’s gained much experience working with hospitality world leader Accor and operating…

Top Venture Capitalist

In a previous post, I discussed how Venture Capital creates value. The Venture Capital business consists in investing in money-losing companies offering superior growth rates and the prospect of 100x returns in 5 to 7 years. But, in truth, many VCs don’t return the capital to their Limited Partners, as Private Equity and advisor to the Kauffman Institute, Diane Mulcahy has shown in an…