How to use the innovation matrix? How to refer to the innovation matrix in order to leverage client verbatim? How to identify a relevant innovation opportunity based on informal conversations with consumers and/or clients? These are some of the questions I’d like to address in this article.   Using the innovation matrix the way Anthony Ulwick thought of it Anthony Ulwick provided a first…

Les secrets des entrepreneurs de la Silicon Valley - Guillaume Villon de Benveniste - Eyrolles

Comment innover pour devenir leader ? Du temps de la Belle Epoque et de l’Exposition Universelle, la France montrait la voie de la modernité au reste du monde. Un siècle plus tard, le centre mondial de l’innovation s’est déplacé outre-Atlantique, dans la Silicon Valley. Que peuvent apprendre les entreprises françaises de cette success-story pour se réinventer, tout en conservant leur singularité et innover de nouveau ?…

Annie Longeot a créé Rondement Carré en 2010 pour accompagner les entreprises dans des process de développement ou de transformation. Alors que l’innovation est sur toutes les lèvres pour penser de nouveaux enjeux en termes de management ou d’approches des usages de consommation, elle nous explique quelles sont encore les résistances qui ralentissent, en France, la transition massive des business model. 1/ En amont…

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Product innovation doesn’t create a sustainable competitive advantage

Theodore Levitt, a professor at Harvard Business School, once said in 1962: “people don’t want a quarter inch drill, they want a quarter inch hole”. In other words, if you’re trying to innovate you could do one of 2 things : you could study the quarter inch drill and wonder: “how can I make a better quarter inch drill?” This leads product-centric innovation you could…

Tony thinks about innovation in a very simple way: « it’s a process of coming up with solutions that satisfy customer needs. »   There are two ways to address the innovation process 1/ come up with solutions and see if they address needs 2/ come up with needs and then create a solution that addresses needs

A successful innovation improves things I have to get done in my daily life. In order to assess whether an innovation might be successful, the key is understanding how and if the innovation really changes our experience of doing something that we already do in our daily lives. Last week, I applied these criteria to Social Dynamite, a new blog content promotion service. I’ve…

Last week, I addressed the question of defining what successful innovation is. I came up with a list of criteria to assess whether an innovation is successful or not. Today, I want to apply these to criteria to Social Dynamite, a new service I’ve been using to promote my blog content. So here’s the question: is Social Dynamite a successful innovation?   

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What’s a successful innovation? (1/5)

Defining a successful innovation is a tough. Most attempts at defining what a successful innovation is emanate from innovation experts whether they are: innovation consultants for innovation decision-makers working in large companies financial analysts consumer groups that review and rate innovation product My attempt at defining a successful innovation is different.