Damien Garot - Jansky Partners

Quelles innovations bouleversent les acteurs établis de l’espace ? La question en tant que telle peut surprendre. Pour ma part, je croyais que l’économie de l’espace demeurait à l’abri des disruptions digitales du fait de la puissance des acteurs établis. Mais, une discussion avec Damien Garot, fondateur de Jansky Partners, m’a amené à une conclusion différente. Il m’a notamment indiqué que de multiples disruptions sont…

Categories investment and innovation

Un startup studio, comment ça marche?

Jeremy Goillot - Growth Hacker - Spendesk - eFounders

Un startup studio, comment ça marche ? Comment accompagnent-ils les entrepreneurs, de la génération de l’idée à la levée de fonds ? Voici quelques-unes des questions que Jérémy Goillot, Directeur de la croissance de Spendesk, et moi-même avons évoquées au cours d’une discussion récente. A/ Présentation de Jérémy Goillot Jérémy Goillot a travaillé dans la vallée de l’Internet des objets à Toulouse avec Ludovic Le Moan…

Categories investment and innovation

Amazon Almighty : what will stop the all market disruptor?

France 24 - Guillaume Villon de Benveniste - 1200 milliards sur la table - Michalon - Author

The Debate on France 24 On December 24, 2018, I took part in “The Debate” of France 24, the French BBC. With a few other experts, we talked about the long view on Amazon and we wondered whether the company was overvalued, and how it is changing our day-to-day lives. I will not go into the details that we discussed during the show. The question…

Categories investment and innovation

Europe is loosing the Technology battle

In December 2018, I was invited to be part of the Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI). As discussed in a previous post in French, the Jedi organization aims at reproducing America’s DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) in Europe. Technology leadership Today, according to André Loesekrug-Pietri, the founder of JEDI, Europe is “losing the technological battle”. As shown below, eight out of the 10…

Digital technologies should create approximately $1210, billion by 2025 according to seven investment reports. The document below shows how valuable is distributed by technology and by industry. It also focuses on what it means for a company‘s value chain. I show that every single segment in the value chain, from resource acquisition to distribution, will benefit from digital innovation. In addition, I focus on…

Which applications stand out as the most thought-provoking? Where should we put our money if we want to generate over 15 Bn in revenue in 2025? How do they utilize fresh technologies in order to solve real economic problems reaping profit? I address some of these questions below, as they appear important to many including: Experts looking for evidence that technical know-how delivers monetary…

What technologies should innovation companies select to pursue growth ? Where should forward-thinking leaders put their capital, talent and energy ? Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality stand as some of the most trendy techs. But is their value beneath the hype ? If so, how much, in what industry and on which use case ? Addressing these matters prove crucial to: Investors looking to select…