Lars Montelius - Director General - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

In what way is nanotechnology changing our world? Why is it that nanotechnology has numerous applications across many different industries? And in what way is it fueling exponential technologies ? What’s the difference between linear progress and exponential improvements? I address these matters with Lars Montelius, Director General of the Iberian International Nanotechnology Laboratory. A short bio of Lars Montelius A scientist and a…

Categories Innovation readers

Customer centricity and the question of Truth

Björn Segerblom - Customer centriciy and the Moment of Truth

If one were to advise the CEO on innovation, what would one suggest? In other words, what are the most promising innovation use cases out today? What role does customer centricity play in making resources allocation decisions? Following my conversation with Gérard de Bourbon, I tackle this matter with Board member of many innovation organizations in Europe including Hexicon, a world leader in floating windmills…

Categories Innovation readers

Evolving to a growth mindset

Javier Cedillo Espin - Evolving to a Growth Mindset

What books have played the most in one’s life and career? What idea stuck with the reader? How have the readings change his or her understanding of our place in the world and the meaning of our own existence? And have these readings help them acquire skills and innovation? Having touched upon this with digital transformation expert Gérard de Bourbon and indian-born serial entrepreneur Ambuj…