Banks have long been able to thrive in a relatively closed market which was defined by regulation. But, recent technological innovations combined with deregulation all across Europe are profoundly changing the market. Today, there are three different types of new entrants which have the potential to disrupt the business model of retail banks according to Jean-Yves Bruna, a Chief Strategy and Development Officer in…

Telecommunications companies have seen their business models undermined, due to disruptive innovations such as 3G, the smartphone and the PCs among others. Yet, Telecommunications companies can create more value on their markets by implementing several different strategies, according to Gilles Négrel.

Visions du futur Droits d'auteur: transitionculture et tuvie

  L’étude du futur donne lieu à des visions riches et multiples. Mais, lorsque ces visions prospectives sont présentées aux décideurs, ceux-ci ne savent pas toujours comment les prendre en compte pour préparer leurs groupes aux défis de l’avenir. Comment bâtir une vision de l’avenir qui soit suffisamment concrète pour aider les VP d’innovation de grands groupes à élaborer une stratégie d’innovation ? Aujourd’hui, je…