Catégories In english

How to develop disruptive innovations that consumers will buy? (1/2)

Leading companies who to launch innovative products often have to face a tough fact: 70% of innovative products fail to find a sustainable market. And, this is also true of innovation start-ups, making it that much harder to get senior management to commit to creating an innovative spin-off company. Many of these difficulties would be alleviated, if, somehow, we could refer to principles which…

Catégories In english

What’s disruptive innovation?

As we participate in project team meetings with people around the world, people from different parts of the organization and people that may work outside of the organization, I’m always fascinated to see how we’ve been able to build a common vocabulary. Whether it’s the term “open innovation”, “incremental innovation”, “strategic innovation”, “breakthrough innovation”, “product innovation”, “market innovation” or “disruptive innovation”, we seem to…