Catégories In english

How to sell innovation? (1/2)

Decision-makers are always happy to communicate on how much they believe in innovation. They may : declare how important it is that the company create a more innovation-friendly culture share a few corporate stories illustrating how innovation played a critical role in creating a sustainable competitive advantage, in the past But, paying lip service to innovation doesn’t mean being committed to innovation. In fact,…

Catégories In english

How to develop innovative products that consumers will buy? (2/2)

I’m always suprised to see how much we’ve turned failure into a nessary pre-requisite for success. I was talking to a Partner of large VC firm and he informed that only 20% of his firm’s investments turned out positive; another Partner in Corporate Venture Capital Fund informed me that one typically needs to loose 10ME before getting proficient at investing in innovation start-ups, whose…

L’innovation se confond-t-elle avec la technologie ou, au contraire, la technologie est-elle seulement un élément parmi un ensemble plus global? Voici une question que j’ai été amené à me poser lorsque, il y a quelques jours, j’intervenais en qualité de Jury pour une sélection des projets d’innovations à l’Ecole Centrale Paris.

Au moment où les pays émergents deviennent également des pays innovants, Louis Gallois, Commissaire Général à l’Investissement auprès du Premier Ministre, explique comment la France peut maintenir son rang en matière d’innovation. Réussir l’innovation passe par un rassemblement des forces d’innovation, notamment par le biais des pôles de compétitivité, mais aussi par une simplification des demandes d’aide à l’innovation, au niveau régional, national et européen.…

Catégories In english

What’s “strategic innovation” : a fuzzy word or a meaningful concept?

The term “strategic innovation” has often a fuzzy meaning. It’s used to mean important innovation, or urgent innovation. Sometimes, “strategic innovation” may refer to C-level innovation projects. Each of these terms provide a shed of light on the meaning of “strategic innovation”, but they fail to answer a more fundamental question on the purported strategic nature of innovation. In other words, what is it…