How to use the innovation matrix? How to refer to the innovation matrix in order to leverage client verbatim? How to identify a relevant innovation opportunity based on informal conversations with consumers and/or clients? These are some of the questions I’d like to address in this article.   Using the innovation matrix the way Anthony Ulwick thought of it Anthony Ulwick provided a first…

Catégories In english

Product innovation doesn’t create a sustainable competitive advantage

Theodore Levitt, a professor at Harvard Business School, once said in 1962: “people don’t want a quarter inch drill, they want a quarter inch hole”. In other words, if you’re trying to innovate you could do one of 2 things : you could study the quarter inch drill and wonder: “how can I make a better quarter inch drill?” This leads product-centric innovation you could…

Catégories In english

What’s disruptive innovation?

As we participate in project team meetings with people around the world, people from different parts of the organization and people that may work outside of the organization, I’m always fascinated to see how we’ve been able to build a common vocabulary. Whether it’s the term “open innovation”, “incremental innovation”, “strategic innovation”, “breakthrough innovation”, “product innovation”, “market innovation” or “disruptive innovation”, we seem to…